Traffic Secrets

Welcome to the Traffic Secrets Book as a podcast! Tune-in often to keep the juices flowing. Every year, tens of thousands of businesses fail because they don't understand this one essential skill: the art and science of getting traffic (or people). This book will help you find YOUR people, so you can focus on changing their world with the products and services that you sell.

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01 - Introduction
02 - Section 1 - Your Dream Customer
03 - Secret 1 - Who Is Your Dream Customer?
04 - Secret 2 - Where Are They Hiding? (AKA the Dream 100)
05 - Secret 3 - Hook, Story, Offer and the Attractive Character
06 - Secret 4 - Work Your Way In, Buy Your Way In
07 - Secret 5 - Traffic That You Own
08 - Secret 6 - Follow-Up Funnels
09 - Secret 7 - Infiltrating the Dream 100
10 - Section 2 - Fill Your Funnel
11 - Secret 8 - Fill Your Funnel Organically (Working Your Way In)
12 - Secret 9 - Fill Your Funnel with Paid Ads (Buying Your Way In)
13 - Secret 10 - Instagram Traffic Secrets
14 - Secret 11 - Facebook Traffic Secrets
15 - Secret 12 - Google Traffic Secrets
16 - Secret 13 - YouTube Traffic Secrets
17 - Secret 14 - After the Slaps and the Snaps
18 - Secret 15 - Conversation Domination
19 - Section 3 - Growth Hacking
20 - Secret 16 - The Funnel Hub
21 - Secret 17 - Other People’s Distribution Channels
22 - Secret 18 - Your Affiliate Army
23 - Secret 19 - Cold Traffic
24 - Secret 20 - Other Growth Hacks
25 - Conclusion
26 - Acknowledgements
27 - About The Author